Exercise or Diet for 6-pack

[:en]Ah, the eternal question. Which is more important?

If Coca-cola, Nestle and PepsiCola has their way, then diet soda is actually helpful for weight loss and exercise is much more important than diet. Well, for the obvious reasons, we can’t simply take this at face value right?

Meanwhile at the end of the spectrum, mainstream media like New York Times and and CBS are all saying how dieting is more important than exercise.

Now here is where it gets interesting. According to University of North Carolina research, from 2003 to 2012, US per-capita consumption of soda and junk food has actually decreased. So if diet is more important, then the number of obese people living in US should be decreasing right? Except that according data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2007 to 2012, the number of obese people in USA during this period actually increased. So surely diet is not the most important thing.

Well, according to research done by Mayo clinic, apparently over the past decade, US population physical activity continues to decrease. And according to the latest research done by Loughborough University, exercise actually help decrease appetite, and works much better at lowering your body fat content than diet. So apparently in this case Coke and Pepsi might be more right than NYT. As Aleksey Torokhtiy, Russian weightlifting gold medalist said on reddit AMA, he doesn’t go on any diet, he just eat anything he likes to eat.

So have you hit the weight room this week ladies?

Click here and subscribe to my channel for simple exercises that will help you get loose fat and get strong![:zh]Ah, the eternal question. Which is more important?

If Coca-cola, Nestle and PepsiCola has their way, then diet soda is actually helpful for weight loss and exercise is much more important than diet. Well, for the obvious reasons, we can’t simply take this at face value right?

Meanwhile at the end of the spectrum, mainstream media like New York Times and and CBS are all saying how dieting is more important than exercise.

Now here is where it gets interesting. According to University of North Carolina research, from 2003 to 2012, US per-capita consumption of soda and junk food has actually decreased. So if diet is more important, then the number of obese people living in US should be decreasing right? Except that according data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2007 to 2012, the number of obese people in USA during this period actually increased. So surely diet is not the most important thing.

Well, according to research done by Mayo clinic, apparently over the past decade, US population physical activity continues to decrease. And according to the latest research done by Loughborough University, exercise actually help decrease appetite, and works much better at lowering your body fat content than diet. So apparently in this case Coke and Pepsi might be more right than NYT. As Aleksey Torokhtiy, Russian weightlifting gold medalist said on reddit AMA, he doesn’t go on any diet, he just eat anything he likes to eat.

So have you hit the weight room this week ladies?

Click here and subscribe to my channel for simple exercises that will help you get loose fat and get strong![:id]Ah, pertanyaan abadi. Mana yang lebih penting?

Kalau kita mau mengikuti pendapat Coca-cola, Nestle dan PepsiCola, minuman soda diet itu bisa membantu mengurangi berat badan dan olah-raga itu lebih penting dari diet. Namun untuk alasan yang kita semua tahu, kita jelas tidak bisa percaya begitu saja bukan.

Sementara itu ada pula pendapat yang bertolak belakang, dimana media massa terbesar seperti New York Times dan CBS semuanya mengatakan diet itu lebih penting dari olah raga.

Naah, mari kita teliti lebih dalam. Menurut penelitian dari Universitas Carolina Utara, konsumsi soda dan makanan cepat saji perkapita di Amerika dari 2003 ke 2012 telah menurun. Bila diet itu penting, maka jumlah penduduk gemuk di Amerika seharusnya berkurang bukan? Namun menurut data dari survei National Health and Nutrition tahun 2007 hingga 2012, jumlah penduduk gemuk di Amerika dalam jangka waktu ini justru meningkat. Tentunya diet bukanlah yang paling penting.

Menurut penelitian dari Mayo Clinic, nampaknya dalam satu dasawarsa ini penduduk Amerika semakin malas bergerak. Sedangkan menurut penelitian terakhir dari Universitas Loughborough, olah-raga membantu menurunkan nafsu makan, dan jauh lebih efektif dari diet untuk menurunkan kadar lemak badan. Jadi dalam hal ini kelihatannya Coca-cola dan Pepsi justru lebih benar dari New York Times. Seperti kata Aleksey Torokhtiy, peraih medali emas angkat besi dari Russia, “saya tidak pernah berdiet, saya makan apa yang saya kepingin makan.”

Jadi ibu-ibu sekalian sudah pergi ke gym bulan ini?

Klik disini dan berlanggananlah ke saluran YouTube saya untuk ide latihan sederhana yang bisa membantu anda mengurangi lemak tubuh dan menjadi kuat![:]

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